Pregnancy with Ronnie was fine everything went well at the birth we could not be happier to welcome Ronnie into the world , throughout Ronnies life he did have many visits to the hospital or an ambulance was called out to him and it always seemed to be chest infections and antibiotics. Ronnie lived a normal childhood he was bright he was bubbly playful and loving despite becoming poorly regular he still always had a huge smile on his face . On the 19th June 2022 Ronnie had his dinner and went to bed normally as he would every night he then woke up in distress turning blue so a ambulance was called for him , he was then rushed to Margate hospital where they worked to stabilise him but struggled to do so and called upon the specialist team in london who did not want to move Ronnie due to Consequences they come to him as fast as they could.
The london team done everything in their power to stabilise him so he could be moved to london for more urgent help we heard the words many of times "prepare for the worst" but we never thought the worst would come 💔 Ronnie was taken to a london hospital we're he was diagnosed with restrictive cardiomyopathy a disease of the heart which restricts the heart's ability to pump blood around the body , Ronnie was then transferred onto a specialist heart hospital in chelsea where he stayed for 9 weeks to be told he needed a heart transplant and that he was on the list for one after many tests including a cardiac catherisation,Ronnie then caught more infections and deteriorated very quickly resulting in cardiac arrests , we then had a follow up meeting and was told he was not on the list and that he only had a certain amount of time left on machines he was fighting so so hard He fought and fought untill he could not fight anymore 💔 we sadly lost Ronnie on the 19th of august 2022 our hearts are shattered and the only thing we can do with our pain is turn it into power by not only spreading Ronnies name story and legacy but fighting for all babies to be scanned at birth , the reason we are fighting for this is simply because if Ronnies heart condition which he had since he was born was detected in either pregnancy or birth then maybe just maybe he would be here with us today in fact we are certain . What Ronnie went through we can't bare the thought of others going through we miss him terribly and everything we do is for him we appreciate any kind of support in the foundation.

Ronnie-Joe 1-5-2020 ❤️ 19-08-2022

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